Drum Roll Please: We Proudly Present lywand.

Discover what lywand stands for and the team behind it. Speaking of team: If you want to become a part of it, check out our job listings.

Our vision is a future where Managed Service Providers can automatically deliver the highest levels of security to all customers, regardless of their size.

In short, we are:

Rethinking IT security.

And our mission is to make IT security easier than ever before. This is why we have developed an automated security audit platform that is constantly growing in intelligence and scope.

With this platform, we provide MSPs with an efficient and cost-effective tool to sustainably improve the IT security situation of SMEs.

The Brains Behind lywand

The right mix of ethical hackers, cybersecurity experts, creative minds and consultants.

Thomas Haak


Bernhard Schildendorfer


David Lienbacher

Cyber Security Expert

Rene Offenthaler

Head of Sales

Julian Lindenhofer

Business Development Manager

Sophia Klöbl

UX/UI Expert

Teresa Leonhartsberger

Marketing Manager

Ganimet Bajraktari

Office Manager

Maximilian Henzl

Cyber Security Expert

Günther Sieberth

Senior Full Stack Engineer

Martin Eitler

Martin Eitler

Business Development Manager

Peter Müller

Peter Müller

System Engineer

Fion Kunze

Fion Kunze

Sales Manager

Vanessa Hartig

Vanessa Hartig

Full Stack Engineer

Tegan Longden


Jana Gastecker

UX/UI Designer

Elina Schachenhofer

Elina Schachenhofer

Full Stack Engineer

Niclas Gruber

Full Stack Engineer

Julia Nolz

Junior Sales Manager

Our Values

Our values are the foundation of our decisions, behavior and actions.

Icon Handschütteln, welches Respekt symbolisiert


Icon Tür, welche Offenheit symbolisiert


Icon Kommunikation


Icon Gleichheitszeichen, welches Gleichberechtigung symbolisiert


Icon Zielscheibe, welches Zielorientierung symbolisiert

Goal orientation

Icon Bierkrug, das Spaß symbolisiert


Where does the term lywand come from?

For all those who have been wondering what "lywand" means, we have put together two definitions.

leiwand [ˈlaɪ̯vant] in Viennese dialect

Means great, excellent, very good or pleasing. Is often used with prefixes: ur-, ois- or voi-leiwand. "This is leiwand" means "This is awesome".

lywand [ˈlaɪ̯vant] in cybersecurity

Means secure, visible, simple, low-threshold and permanent. Is often used with prefixes: ur-, ois- or voi-lywand. "We are lywand" means "We know our security situation".

Make yourself lywand

Whether it's a shirt, cap, or poster – our merch shop offers a variety of products in the lywand design, just waiting to find a new home with you.

Stop by and grab your favorite piece!


We like to expand our team with highly motivated and bright minds. Would you like to be part of it? We look forward to receiving your application. 

We have no suitable vacancy, but you would be a perfect fit for the lywand team?
We look forward to receiving your email with application and CV.