A platform tailored to your needs.

Developed by IT security experts for MSSPs, IT service providers and system houses.

Features of the Security Audit Platform

Global Overview and Easy Customer Setup in the Partner Dashboard

The Partner Dashboard provides information on the current phase or partner level and shows how far away the next level is. It also contains comprehensive information on targets and vulnerabilities. In addition, the Partner Dashboard provides an overview of all relevant customer information and the possibility to create new customers.

Partner Dashboard

Automated Execution of Security Checks of the Entire IT Infrastructure

The external infrastructure (consisting of domains, subdomains, IP addresses and email addresses) can be checked automatically at regular intervals. Additional checks can be triggered at any time with a mouse click. All you need to do is enter the domain - all associated targets are automatically identified.

Checks of the internal infrastructure are carried out continuously and provide daily results. All you need to do is install agents once on the end devices (laptops, computers and servers).

Automatisierte Durchführung von Sicherheitsüberprüfungen der gesamten IT-Infrastruktur

Simple Security Rating, Classification Into Different Categories and Assessment Progression

After completion of an assessment, your client receives a current security rating in the academic grading system from A to F.

A subdivision into categories provides information about the areas in which there is the greatest need for improvement.

The Security Dashboard also shows the progress of the assessment. The potential indicates which rating can be achieved with the planned measures.

Security Analysis of Each Individual Target

In the "Check Insights" tab, there are detailed results for each scanned target, such as applied check methods, attack surface, risk assessment and open ports.

In addition, for the external infrastructure, you will receive information on missing patches, software used, and online/offline status.

For the internal targets, information about activated local users, outdated programmes, running processes, firewall and antivirus is provided.

Sicherheitsanalyse jedes einzelnen Ziels in den Check Insights

Rapid Planning of Measures to Improve Security

Lywand automatically suggests measures for improving security based on the vulnerabilities found.

For each measure, there is a simple description and, when expanded, a detailed explanation of the technical implementation.

Schnelle Planung der Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung der Sicherheit

Planning and Implementation of Measures in the Renovation Plan

All the measures you have previously selected are displayed in the renovation plan. Using Quick Planning, the most effective measures can be planned with only one mouse click.

The renovation plan serves as a to-do list for your employees and completed measures can be ticked off. After completing the next security check, lywand indicates if the measures actually work and the vulnerabilities have been remedied.


Automatically Remediate up to 80% of Internal Vulnerabilities With Auto Healing

With Auto Healing, vulnerabilities in the internal infrastructure can be fixed automatically. Supported applications are Microsoft Windows Suite, Java, Firefox and Foxit PDF Reader.

The automatic updates significantly reduce the number of outstanding measures and at the same time minimizes your workload.

Auto Healing

Seamless Connection to Ticketing System

Through the connection to Datto's ticketing system Autotask PSA, it is possible to manage and process measures directly and efficiently in Autotask.

All measures are synchronised with Autotask and tickets are created accordingly.

If a security audit determines that a measure was effective and the vulnerability could be remedied, the corresponding ticket is automatically marked as solved.

Ticketing Integration

Monthly Management Report With a Brief Summary of the Current Security Situation

The Management Report provides you with a summary of the security audit in simple language. In addition to the audit scope with the most important facts, the progress is also displayed.

You can integrate your own logo into the Security Audit Platform. This makes it possible to label Management Reports with your own brand.

Monatlicher Management Report mit knackiger Zusammenfassung der aktuellen Sicherheitslage

House Analogy for Simplified Communication With Customers

To simplify the communication with your customers, we have developed our own analogy. Using a house as an example, you can explain in simple terms how the security situation currently is.

For example, if there are problems with the encryption of messages and data, you can explain it using the windows of a house. Every single open window makes it easier for a thief to enter the house.

Hausanalogie zur vereinfachten Kommunikation mit Kunden

Custom Branding with Whitelabeling

Customize the look and feel of our Security Audit Platform with Whitelabeling. You can make various customizations, including changing the color scheme, adding your logo, enabling neutral system emails, and using a unique login URL.

Increased Flexibility With our Consumption Model

To better support you in your service offering, we have a consumption billing model that charges for actual consumption based on checked targets.

1. Aufbau


You can audit your clients' internal and external IT infrastructure flexibly and without commitment.

The Consumption model is end-customer independent and is based on the checked targets.

2. Umfang


Externally, a monthly scan and a complementary scan per target are included. Additional scans can be added at any time.

Internally, the targets are scanned daily as long as the agent is installed

3. Abrechnung


The reseller purchase price per target is calculated according to the type of scan target, as well as the largest used monthly scan volume in the respective partner level.

The distributor settles the invoice at the end of the month.