Stay one Step Ahead of Hackers With Regular Security Audits.

Our Security Audit Platform was developed specifically for IT service providers to increase the security level of your company with targeted measures – and thus make your company an unattractive target for attackers.

Why Regular Audits are Crucial

Automated attacks, digitalization and the increasing complexity of IT infrastructures make it more and more difficult to keep track of the IT security situation.

The attack surface grows daily and the lack of visibility into your own IT security situation harbors risks. A single security gap can be enough for a hacker to penetrate your system unnoticed.

Regular checks are therefore necessary to quickly identify and fix vulnerabilities.

How it Works


Automated Security Audits of the Entire IT Infrastructure

With lywand, your IT service provider can regularly perform a comprehensive security audit – from the perspective of a potential attacker. Your external infrastructure, including (sub)domains, email addresses and IP addresses, is carefully analyzed for vulnerabilities and possible gateways. In addition, the service provider checks whether stolen company data appears on the darknet.

Your internal infrastructure, such as laptops and servers, is checked daily for common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs), best practice configurations and current patch levels using an agent. In addition, basic security mechanisms such as the Windows firewall, antivirus software and the use of Office macros are checked.


Simple Assessment and Important Key Facts About the Security Situation

After a security audit has been completed, the security status of your company is clearly displayed in the security dashboard. You will receive a general security assessment, which is supplemented by a detailed analysis of the vulnerabilities, including the number and distribution of risks.

The dashboard also shows the historical progress of the assessments, so that progress and trends can be clearly tracked. Particular attention is paid to the most vulnerable targets and products, as well as to an individual assessment of various security categories, such as passwords. This holistic presentation offers your IT service provider a well-founded insight into the actual state of your IT security.


Customized Recommendations for Improving IT Security

Based on the results of the security audit, lywand provides specific recommendations for addressing the identified vulnerabilities. Your IT service provider will then discuss these suggestions with you, prioritize the next steps, and implement the measures in a targeted manner.

During the next security audit, lywand will check whether the implemented measures are actually effective and have closed the security gaps. This is how your company's security posture is improved in an effective and sustainable way.


Compact Report and Presentation Using a House Analogy

In the management report, we summarize the results of the security audit for you in a compact and easy-to-understand way. This provides you with a clear overview of the measures already implemented and the development of your security situation over time.

We have developed a house analogy to visualize the complex topic of IT security: security gaps are symbolized by open windows, doors or cracks in the facade. With the step-by-step implementation of measures, your IT service provider “renovates” your “digital house”, whereby the weak points gradually disappear.

What you can Count on

Visibility of Your IT Security Situation

Are there potential weak points that hackers could exploit to penetrate your system? Are the products used, such as virus protection, firewalls and patch management, configured correctly?

Regular security audits provide clarity and make your company's security situation visible.

Concrete Security Measures to Minimize Your Attack Surface

On the basis of the security audit, your IT service provider receives customized recommendations for action to eliminate the vulnerabilities found and to sustainably improve the security of your IT infrastructure.

These proactive measures can significantly reduce the attack surface and thus the risk of a successful hacker attack.

Continuous Documentation of the Security Audits

With the monthly management reports, you regularly receive a reliable overview of your security situation.

This improves your starting position for certification processes or taking out cyber insurance. This can be particularly helpful in the event of a claim when dealing with regulatory issues.

Find the Right IT Service Provider

4S IT-Solutions AG
ADIT Andreas Doegl GmbH
Agentur Cyberschutz
AKE IT-Services e.K.
ALLinONE Netzwerke GmbH
AlpCloud GmbH
avanito GmbH
BADI Software und EDV-Systemberatung GmbH
Bavaro IT GmbH
Becker IT und TK Service
BERGMANN engineering & consulting GmbH
Berl EDV GesmbH
bitminder® GmbH & Co KG
Bösling, Zeh + Partner
bridge4IT® e.K.
Brovko GmbH
Busse Computertechnik & Service GmbH
bytewerk GmbH
castus-iT GmbH
Cobotec GmbH
ConIT solutions Beratungs GmbH
Connect Kommunikations­systeme GmbH
coretress GmbH
cosmico GmbH
CPU IT-Dienstleistungen GmbH
CS nine GmbH
Data at Work GmbH
Datec-Datentechnik GmbH
Dierck IT Systems GmbH
dk-BITS GmbH
DRAI Consult GmbH & Co. KG
enbiz engineering and business solutions GmbH
eXemptec GmbH
Floitgraf Consulting GmbH
FP-Consulting e.U.
GEUDER Kommunikationstechnik GmbH
Gleich IT Service GmbH
große Austing GmbH
Gröpper IT-Systemtechnik GmbH
Grothe IT-Service GmbH
Hainke-Computer GmbH & Co KG
hertli Informatik+Treuhand
HIT Computer GmbH & Co. KG
Hochwarth IT GmbH
ICOPA IT-Consulting Partner
ifaktor GmbH
Intercept IT OHG
InterConnect GmbH & Co. KG
IT4U-Systemhaus GmbH
IT Complete Systemhaus GmbH
IT Eden
itex it-service GmbH
IT Fabrik Systemhaus GmbH & Co.KG
itmc GmbH
JOBA ITK-Systeme GmbH
jo-soft GmbH
Karpo GmbH
Kastl & Rieter IT-Service GmbH
KEP-Consult GmbH
KlarBIT GmbH
Klaus Multerer - it Lösungen
klip-asca GmbH
Kunga Productions
Kutzschbach Electronic GmbH & Co. KG
Lendeckel IT GmbH & Co. KG
LHL Computer-Service GmbH
L+S IT Services GbR
magellan netzwerke GmbH
Make IT fix GmbH
Matt EDV GmbH
MBCOM IT-Systemhaus GmbH
MC-Netzwerke GmbH & Co. KG
MCS Schwarz
mea IT Services e.U.
mits group GmbH
M IT-Systemhaus GmbH
mocotel services
Modern Workplace GmbH
MR Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG
MT Service GmbH & Co KG
NCE Computer GmbH
netable IT & Digitalisierungsservice V. Frank
Netmicro e.K.
NetWorxx EDV Services GmbH
NewWay.IT GmbH
OBF IT-Solutions GmbH & Co. KG
Opexa Advisory
Papier LIEBL Büro‑ und Systemhaus GmbH
PCDsystems GmbH & Co. KG
project two gmbh
Protego 24 Sicherheitsservice GmbH
Qberos GmbH
Q-Data Service GmbH
Quadus GmbH
RioMar GmbH
rockIT AG
Sartissohn GmbH
Sälker IT Solutions GmbH & Co. KG
Schönsee Loosen Datentechnik GmbH & Co. KG
sevian7 IT development GmbH
sigmavista it consulting gmbh
Simon Fieber IT-Services GmbH
Stauffer - Medien & IT GmbH
Systemhaus Przykopanski
Systemschub – Eine Marke der Klaes GmbH & Co. KG
Techniklotsen gGmbH
Tecvise GmbH
toolbox Systemberatung GmbH
TW IT-Systemhaus GmbH
up to date gmbh
web&IT Solutions
WenTraCon GmbH
Weser-Ems Dataconsulting GmbH
wistuba it GmbH
Arbor-Link GmbH

Frequently Asked Questions

Small and medium-sized companies are increasingly the target of cyber attacks. The attack surface is growing due to digitalization, home offices, automated attacks and the increasing complexity of IT infrastructure. Ignoring these risks can have serious consequences.

Strong cybersecurity is more important today than ever. We offer you automated and continuous security checks that identify security vulnerabilities and suggest appropriate measures for closing them.

To provide you with comprehensive cyber security, we work with IT service providers who will advise and support you individually. This support minimizes your effort so that you can concentrate on your core business.

We work exclusively with IT service providers, system houses and MSSPs. These experts will be happy to provide you with a tailor-made offer.

The costs depend on the size of your IT infrastructure and your individual requirements. Your IT service provider will be happy to provide you with a customized offer that is tailored to your needs.

If you are interested in our product but your current IT service provider does not yet offer it, we can help!

Simply provide us with the contact details of your IT service provider and we will contact them directly to discuss the possibilities of working together.

This is What lywand Stands for

Contact Us

Please feel free to use our contact form to send us a message.

Lywand Software GmbH

Josefstraße 46a/6
3100 St. Pölten, Austria

Lywand Austria
Reichsratstraße 15/15
1010 Vienna, Austria

Lywand Germany
Wolkersdorfer Hauptstraße 33
91126 Schwabach

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