A lywand Community That Delivers.

Get an overview of our distributors & partners. Do you want to become part of the lywand community? We will show you how the onboarding works.

Our Distributors

As an IT service provider, system house or MSSP, you can purchase lywand through our distribution partners.

Elovade Deutschland GmbH

Elovade is a leading software distributor in Europe with a focus on IT security and cloud services. Founded in 1995 in Wetzlar, Germany, the company supports software sales and implementation throughout Europe with over 200 employees.

Focus MSP GmbH

Fokus MSP specializes on managed service providers and IT businesses that are currently in the process of transforming into MSPs or want to further optimise their MSP business. The distributor was founded in 2021 and is based in Celle.

Infinigate Deutschland GmbH

Infinigate is one of the leading European value added distributors for IT security, cloud and MSP. The Infinigate Group focuses on the distribution of IT security solutions for the protection and defense of IT infrastructure and the cloud.

NESTEC Scharf IT-Solutions OG

NESTEC focuses on security and messaging. With locations in Upper Austria and Zagreb, NESTEC offers value-added services such as support, training and sales consulting in addition to distribution and reseller support for well-known manufacturers.

RED EAGLE IT Distribution GmbH

RED EAGLE IT Distribution GmbH is based in Feldkirchen near Munich and is specialized in network components and OEM transceivers. The company offers a wide range of IT hardware and software from well-known manufacturers.

Scale MSP B.V.

Scale MSP B.V., based in Almere, the Netherlands, supports MSPs and IT companies in expanding and optimizing their managed services. As a subsidiary of Fokus MSP, the company serves markets in the UK, Ireland and the Benelux countries.


SYNAXON AG, with over 3,200 partners, a purchasing volume of over 1 billion euros and 300 employees, is Europe's largest IT network group. Founded in 1991 as PC-SPEZIALIST Franchise AG, it has its headquarters in Schloß Holte-Stukenbrock.

Partner Overview

Our partner network consists of numerous IT service providers and MSSPs.

4S IT-Solutions AG
ADIT Andreas Doegl GmbH
Agentur Cyberschutz
AKE IT-Services e.K.
ALLinONE Netzwerke GmbH
AlpCloud GmbH
avanito GmbH
BADI Software und EDV-Systemberatung GmbH
Bavaro IT GmbH
Becker IT und TK Service
BERGMANN engineering & consulting GmbH
Berl EDV GesmbH
bitminder® GmbH & Co KG
Bösling, Zeh + Partner
bridge4IT® e.K.
Brovko GmbH
Busse Computertechnik & Service GmbH
bytewerk GmbH
castus-iT GmbH
Cobotec GmbH
ConIT solutions Beratungs GmbH
Connect Kommunikations­systeme GmbH
coretress GmbH
cosmico GmbH
CPU IT-Dienstleistungen GmbH
CS nine GmbH
Data at Work GmbH
Datec-Datentechnik GmbH
Dierck IT Systems GmbH
dk-BITS GmbH
DRAI Consult GmbH & Co. KG
enbiz engineering and business solutions GmbH
eXemptec GmbH
Floitgraf Consulting GmbH
FP-Consulting e.U.
GEUDER Kommunikationstechnik GmbH
Gleich IT Service GmbH
große Austing GmbH
Gröpper IT-Systemtechnik GmbH
Grothe IT-Service GmbH
Hainke-Computer GmbH & Co KG
hertli Informatik+Treuhand
HIT Computer GmbH & Co. KG
Hochwarth IT GmbH
ICOPA IT-Consulting Partner
ifaktor GmbH
Intercept IT OHG
InterConnect GmbH & Co. KG
IT4U-Systemhaus GmbH
IT Complete Systemhaus GmbH
IT Eden
itex it-service GmbH
IT Fabrik Systemhaus GmbH & Co.KG
itmc GmbH
JOBA ITK-Systeme GmbH
jo-soft GmbH
Karpo GmbH
Kastl & Rieter IT-Service GmbH
KEP-Consult GmbH
KlarBIT GmbH
Klaus Multerer - it Lösungen
klip-asca GmbH
Kunga Productions
Kutzschbach Electronic GmbH & Co. KG
Lendeckel IT GmbH & Co. KG
LHL Computer-Service GmbH
L+S IT Services GbR
magellan netzwerke GmbH
Make IT fix GmbH
Matt EDV GmbH
MBCOM IT-Systemhaus GmbH
MC-Netzwerke GmbH & Co. KG
MCS Schwarz
mea IT Services e.U.
mits group GmbH
M IT-Systemhaus GmbH
mocotel services
Modern Workplace GmbH
MR Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG
MT Service GmbH & Co KG
NCE Computer GmbH
netable IT & Digitalisierungsservice V. Frank
Netmicro e.K.
NetWorxx EDV Services GmbH
NewWay.IT GmbH
OBF IT-Solutions GmbH & Co. KG
Opexa Advisory
Papier LIEBL Büro‑ und Systemhaus GmbH
PCDsystems GmbH & Co. KG
project two gmbh
Protego 24 Sicherheitsservice GmbH
Qberos GmbH
Q-Data Service GmbH
Quadus GmbH
RioMar GmbH
rockIT AG
Sartissohn GmbH
Sälker IT Solutions GmbH & Co. KG
Schönsee Loosen Datentechnik GmbH & Co. KG
sevian7 IT development GmbH
sigmavista it consulting gmbh
Simon Fieber IT-Services
smart.net.works GmbH
Stauffer - Medien & IT GmbH
Systemhaus Przykopanski
Systemschub – Eine Marke der Klaes GmbH & Co. KG
Techniklotsen gGmbH
Tecvise GmbH
toolbox Systemberatung GmbH
TW IT-Systemhaus GmbH
up to date gmbh
web&IT Solutions
WenTraCon GmbH
Weser-Ems Dataconsulting GmbH
wistuba it GmbH
Arbor-Link GmbH

That's why our Partners Recommend lywand


„With lywand, we can fulfill important aspects of the NIS2 requirements for our customers efficiently and, above all, with a high degree of automation. A key topic is the continuous monitoring of the IT infrastructure for vulnerabilities. This provides an ideal starting point for all further security measures.

Gerald Kortschak, sevian7 IT development GmbH

„We have added lywand to our portfolio because it enables us to improve the service we provide to our customers and reduce our administrative overhead. Auto Healing, i.e. the automatic elimination of security vulnerabilities in applications such as Java, which are often used as part of third-party software, gives us the opportunity to take our service to a new level. Our work becomes more efficient and effective, which directly benefits our customers: Internal vulnerabilities are quickly eliminated, which significantly improves their IT security.“

Andreas Kuchenbuch, GOESYS AG

"Cybersecurity is a continuous task with the highest priority. In addition to phishing emails, we believe that unpatched systems or vulnerabilities in software applications are one of the biggest attack vectors.

With lywand, we are able to obtain a comprehensive picture of the situation of our managed systems and can thus react immediately when new critical vulnerabilities occur.

In addition to the incredibly dynamic development of the platform and the new features, the cooperation and communication with lywand and the distributor should also be emphasised!"

Christian Fischer, Kutzschbach INNOVATIONS GMBH

„Initially, we wanted to validate the work we were doing. But lywand offers much more. When our customers say: 'My IT network is well maintained and patched, etc.', after the first scan they achieve a rating of C (equivalent to a school grade 3) in the best case. This shows that there is still potential for improvement. Ratings below indicate that extensive measures are still required. Lywand provides us with convincing arguments to explain why further measures for optimisation in IT security are necessary.“

Christoph Winderling, Arbor-Link GmbH

”In my search for a security audit solution for small environments, I was lucky to find lywand. I get a very good overview and concrete recommendations for each monitored PC. The price/performance ratio is 100% right here and the customer is amazed!”

Klaus Multerer, it Lösungen

“It is a 'no-brainer' for me to use lywand as the added values are obvious.”

André Schiller, coretress GmbH

”It is automated, it is regularly. It is understandable for customers and for technicians and I don't even have to do that much anymore and I won back a lot of quality time.

We've had so much fun during onboarding that we've said this is a great fit. Our communication has been on a whole different level and that's what I appreciate about the team at lywand.”

Markus Müller, Q-Data Service GmbH

”Lywand offers a well thought-out solution for the prevention and control of security risks - and not only for large companies. For us and our customers' needs, lywand is an important addition to the security portfolio.”

Oliver Reisel, ALLinONE Netzwerke GmbH

”Lywand is brilliant because there is zero effort involved, except of course to fix the security vulnerabilities that are found.

The good thing about lywand is that it focuses on the essentials and there are not millions of options that you do not even use or want to use and still pay for. Lywand actually covers what the customer needs and is exactly what the medium-sized businesses need, and the small ones anyway.”

Holger Zorn, DRAI Consult

Success Stories That Show how it's Done

Success story

How Cobotec Optimises its Clients' IT Security with lywand

Cobotec, an IT service provider with over 20 years of experience, was looking for a solution to recognise vulnerabilities at an early stage and close security gaps efficiently. With lywand, the company not only optimised its services, but also created tangible added value for its clients. Managing Director Mario Techel reports on how Cobotec discovered, tested and successfully integrated lywand into its service offering.

March 4, 2025
Success Story von Up to Date GmbH

Success story

Up to Date Sets New Standards in IT Security With lywand

Up to Date GmbH has set itself the task of offering SMEs the highest IT security standards. With the introduction of lywand, the company has succeeded in making its services more efficient, gaining new customers and better fulfilling the requirements of cyber insurance companies. The integration of lywand has not only optimized internal processes, but has also sustainably strengthened customer trust and satisfaction.

February 12, 2025

Success story

Hainke Computer Optimizes its Customers' IT Security With lywand

In this article, you will learn how Hainke Computer uses lywand to improve vulnerability management and fix security gaps more efficiently. By taking a “bird's eye view” approach across all customers, the company is increasing IT security and expanding its service portfolio. Customers benefit from increased security and a positive service experience.

November 26, 2024

How to Become a Partner

Demo Session

Step 1

Time required: 30 min

In order to get a first impression, you will get a live tour through the security audit platform of lywand. We will show you the most important functions and discuss which possible use cases you might have and how you can optimally benefit from lywand.

Not in the mood for a demo? Skip step 1 and start directly with the test license.


Step 2

Time required: 1 min

As IT service provider, system house or MSSP, you have the possibility to test lywand without obligation and free of charge. Just submit a short request - we will send you the access.

Trial Period

Step 3

Time required: As much as you want ;)

Once you receive the access from us, you are ready to go. Register at go.lywand.com to start with the test phase. Here you can explore lywand using your own infrastructure and familiarize yourself with the platform at your own pace.

Recap Session

Step 4

Time required: 30 min

After you have completed your trial period, we will discuss your feedback and the next steps together in the recap session.

If you decide to partner with us, we will help you with the integration of lywand into your business to achieve the best possible added value for you and your customers.